Take a picture of your glasses

To make it easy to compare glasses and so that you don’t have to think about how to photograph your glasses, we have made a small instruction.
Your ad can contain 5 different pictures, please follow our picture order, take your pictures in the order they are to be uploaded, and you will get everything and it will be easy to compare different glasses.

Before you start, make sure you have a white or gray background. It can be a piece of paper or a sheet or similar. Also, make sure that the background contains as few other things as possible that would otherwise disturb the viewer’s focus on your glasses. Also keep in mind that the glasses should be in focus, both in terms of sharpness and that they are in the center of the image.
Ok then let’s start:

  1. The first picture should be oblique from above, from the front. This is your starting image

2. Second picture, straight from the front with the temples extended

3. Third picture Straight from the front with the temples tucked in

4. From above from the left with the temples issue so that these are clearly visible in the picture

5. If you have a case or similar, please make a small still life

Upload the photos in the same order as they were taken, the same order as in the list above, and you will get a good and clear advertisement.


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