Frequently Asked Questions

Här får du svar på de vanligaste frågorna om Brilly och om hur det funkar. Har du fler frågor kontakta oss på

You do not need to register an account to create your ad. Just click on "post your ad", the red button on the top right. (Your email address becomes your username automatically)
You can choose to only describe the product in words, but a picture sells much better. You can also supplement your ad by filling in the glasses' characteristics, strength, etc. Your ad is then matched with someone who is similarly looking for glasses with the special features of your glasses. (If you have forgotten what properties your old glasses have, you can ask an optician for help)

You don't pay anything for the ad, it's free!

Advertisements will be reviewed and, if approved, published on

Register your prescription

In order to register your prescription and search for matching glasses, you must first create an account. You do this by pressing the "Create account" button and then filling in your details. You can then create your ad.
Your ad is then matched with someone who similarly sells glasses with your requirements.

When Brilly finds a match, you will receive an email:


How do you buy an item?
Brilly is a platform for advertisements only, Brilly does not own any items for sale on the website. When you find an item you are interested in, you contact the seller yourself via chat or email and agree on how the purchase should be carried out. Meeting in person is preferred. But be careful, no goods, no money. Do not send money in advance
Please note that consumer protection laws do not apply as Brilly only provides information about the item, not the item itself.

You can search for an item in two ways: Either you do a search among our ads in the usual way via the search box, or you put in an ad that can partly be discovered by someone who has a pair of matching glasses to sell or Brilly matches your advertisement data against suitable sales advertisements.

How do you get help?
Contact the team at Brilly if you have problems with your ad, if it is not displayed or any other problem related to the ad itself. Unfortunately, we cannot help you with questions related to the product itself. For example, if the product does not meet your expectations or if there are problems with the delivery.

You can contact us via

How To Sell An Item?

How do you sell an item?
Brilly is an ads only platform, Brilly does not own any items for sale on the website. When a buyer finds just your glasses, he or she makes contact and you make the purchase between you. Contact can be made in different ways, but our chat is preferred. Meeting in person is the best.
Please note that consumer protection laws do not apply as Brilly only provides information about the item, not the item itself.
You can connect with a buyer in several ways. Either a buyer finds your item by doing a search, or you find a buyer by doing a search among our buy ads via the search box. You can also have your item discovered by Brilly through the matching of buy and sell ads.

How to get help?
Contact the team at Brilly if you have problems with your ad, if it is not showing or any other problem related to the ad itself. Unfortunately, we cannot help you with questions related to the product itself. For example, if the product does not meet your expectations or if there is a problem with the delivery.
You can contact us via

How much does it cost to advertise on Brilly
Advertising on Brilly is currently free!

How to get help?
Contact the team at Brilly if you have problems with your ad, if it is not showing or any other problem related to the ad itself. Unfortunately, we cannot help you with questions related to the product itself. For example, if the product does not meet your expectations or if there is a problem with the delivery.
You can contact us via